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    07 oktober 2015

    IBM organiseert: Livestream Security and Internet of Things

    Op 12 november (16.00u Nederlandse tijd) organiseert IBM een openbare ‘Livestream’ over veiligheid en ’the Internet of Things’. Registreren kan via onderstaande blauwe knop.

    Security & Internet of Things – A World of Possibilities!

    Thursday, November 12, 2015 from 10:00 AM to 12:15 PM (EST)

    Everywhere around us there are objects that can connect to the Internet — from smart phones to TV’s to thermostats, refrigerators and cars. Gartner, Inc. estimates that there are nearly 5 billion “Things” connected to the Internet and in use, and that by 2020 there will be over 25 billion.

    Have you ever stopped to wonder that with so many devices connected, collecting, and transmitting data about our lives, what are the security implications of these “Things”?  How do we protect ourselves as they become ever embedded within our homes, work, and lives?

    The IBM Academy of Technology (AoT) cordially invites you to our next AoT THINK Event on livestream that is open to the public. Our panel of IBM experts will be joined by students, ranging from 10 years old and up, for short presentations and live demonstrations.

    This IBM AoT THINK Event is designed for all ages to enlighten us on the exciting opportunities – and security implications – of the Internet of Things.

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